Vendor Management System

Vendor Management System is well known as Exceptional Management which helps in managing impaired portfolio (where the clients have taken 100% loss provision in due course of 7 months as applicable by central bank instructions). This is very close to all financial institutions as this contributes in reducing NCL (net credit losses) which involves daily communication on vendor's requirement.

PayMEE Vendor Management System Product

PayMEE Vendor Management System

Some of the main solutions that Vendor Management System provides

01. Data Sharing

Sharing the monthly data through software access to vendor (without email transfer/SFTP).

02. Daily Payments

Sharing daily payments through software access to vendors.

03. Artificial Intelligence Interactions

Interaction with vendors on updating the promises v/s payment received.

04. Automated Settlement Letter

Applying unique reference number post relevant approval settlement proposal detail dialogue.

05. Compliant

Sharing settlement letter with customer through back end without human intervention.

06. Invoice Finalization

Helps vendor's invoice finalization.

07. Dashboard to display readable graphs

Maintain various reports graphically on vendor performance.

08. Historical data

Maintains a historical record of the amount collected Vs settlement , query raised.

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