FOLLOWUP AI performs three primary functions - retrieves data by synchronizing across platforms , combined with In-House data of clients and run machine learning algorithms to make recommendations and built-self learning workflow automation tools to predict default rate . FOLLOWUP AI Automation analyzes the tasks that a client performs in the system , learning from common process and then requests machine learning would generate various parameters using time series , own defined parameters path and graphs analytics to plot journey customers are taking and anticipate where they will go.



Some of the main solutions that FOLLOWUP AI provides along with proprietary algorithms includes

01. Innovation

Innovative way of treating customers in consumer risk management.

02. Reduced operation Cost

Doing more with less - operating at 75-80% less cost.

03. Delinquency prevention

Helps to apply pro-active initiatives rather being reactive duly increase the cash flow.

04. Propensity-to-Pay Model

Our model also produces an overall probability score that changes dynamically in response to the ongoing interactions between your organization and the consumer.

05. Time to call

Time-of-day model recommends the best time to call each consumer to achieve success. This allows for more contacts using fewer call attempts.

06. Language Compatible

Language compatibility helps in conversation rather than relying on hiring a resource.

07. Customer Behavior & Sentiment Analysis

Helps to mitigate potential risks by applying predictive analytics on customer behavior and sentiment.

08. Relationships

Improve customer relationships by having more actionable insight across data sources which help to avoid 90% customer complaints raised due to human interactions in consumer risk management.

09. Early Fraud Detection

Unique follow up with new customer having to exhaust more than alarming credit limit and paying bare minimum.

Common Problems

FOLLOWUP AI helps to move from manually managed MIS (management information system) to automated readable paths

Some common reasons this occurs and use cases of how PayMEE will solve the problem

Solution : Innovative way to treat customers

Solution : Compatible to multiple languages

Solution : Automatically reports suggestions to structure and streamline account receivables

Solution : Automatically analyzes future cash flows to help clients manage future expenses as operating at 80% low cost comparing to current scenario

Solution : Advanced probability model projects cash flows in a real time basis with minimal effort.

Do You Need Our Innovative Solutions ?

PayMEE experts team is available 24x7 to help grow your business faster